When we last left off, we were at our hotel freshening up after a very long travel journey. It was nice to be able to drop our luggage off!
After a short while, we were picked up by our driver and guide (I want to clarify, these are two separate people. We always had a driver, whose name I never caught, and a guide. In Cairo, our guide’s name was Mahmoud and he was wonderful.) They took us to a restaurant for dinner that was across the street from the pyramids. We had a traditional meal with kofta (meatball/meatloaf often cooked on a stick), veggies, and rice (in the form of a pyramid!)

After dinner, we walked across the street to check in for the Sound & Light show and to find our seats.

The light show tells the story of the ancient Pharaohs who built the pyramids: Khufru, Khafre, and Menkaure. You are given a headset in your language of choice to listen to the story. There are 10 languages available, and each night the story is played over loudspeakers in a different language. The night we were there it was played in Spanish, as we don’t speak Spanish fluently, we definitely needed the headphones!
Before and after, you are allowed to take photos with the Pyramids in the background. They can be a little cheesy, but it’s all in good fun. It’s also very hard to take GOOD photos as there isn’t any lighting in the background.

Admission is $20 USD, but it was included in our tour.

Anyone who offers to take your photo is expecting a tip after. If you don’t wish to tip anyone, kindly decline. Or simply give them an Egyptian pound or two.
After the show, we were escorted back to our hotel. Which was great because jet lag is real.
You can read Day 1 of our Egypt trip here and read about our experience with Qatar Airways.

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