Hi, I’m Sara, founder of Now Viewing the World and a travel enthusiast with a passion for Disney… or perhaps I’m a Disney enthusiast with a passion for travel… either way you look at it is true! As a travel advisor, I’ve helped families and individuals to plan and book their trips and vacations since 2020– and nearly half of them have been to a Disney destination ✨.
When I’m not busy helping others with their travel plans, I often share tips, insights, and content from my own travels, and create things (like this website!) to further assist others on their own adventures.
In my downtime, I enjoy reading, running, watching movies, and spending time with my daughter, husband, and our two cats. I may live just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania but I’m perpetually dreaming of my next trip (or yours!). I guess you can say that I’m now (and always) viewing the world 🧳✈️ 🌍.
With love,

Want to collaborate?
Send me an email to ask me a question, contact me about travel, or just to say hello!