Cruising is back in full force and many of the cruise lines are dropping restrictions left and right. I took a 3 night cruise back in January and I have another cruise coming up in June, so it’s safe to say I’m always thinking about different travel gear I want for each trip. This list is not an all-encompassing list for you to pack, but it’s my favorite items that I always bring – from necessities to items that just make life more convenient. And bonus, you can get them all from Amazon!
- Royal Caribbean Luggage Tags – The luggage tags are great because you put your paper tags in a plastic sheath with a steel cable so they cannot be pulled off your bag. Different cruise lines have different sizes so be sure you order the correct size.
- Carnival Luggage Tags – Carnival’s is shorter and wider than Royal Caribbean’s luggage tags.
- Cruise Lanyard w/ Card Holder – On each cruise, you receive a card. It is your room key, your money, and what you use to sign in and out of the ship at port. You need it everywhere and you don’t want to lose it. That’s why this card holder and lanyard is perfect to carry your card in!
- Waterproof Phone Pouch – I love having a waterproof phone pouch, and I attached it to my lanyard. I can carry my phone anywhere without the need for pockets and it’s ready to go if I want to be impulsive and jump in the ocean.
- Dramamine for Kids – Both myself and my daughter get seasick so I bringing plenty of Dramamine for the both of us. Talk with your Doctor to see if it’s right for you.
- Seabands – My daughter wears these when we are cruising to help alleviate her seasickness. Make sure you order the correct size.
- Battery Operated Projector Light – Another item I always bring is a little projection light. It shines stars on the ceiling. My daughter likes to have the night light in the super dark staterooms, but even if you aren’t traveling with kids, if you have an interior room, the light is nice to have. Without a window, it’s impossible to tell what time of day it is.
- Outlet Splitter – There are only 2 outlets in cruise staterooms. 1 is European and 1 is US. I always bring a splitter so we can both charge our phones at the same time. Keep in mind, surge protectors are not allowed (it can cause electrical problems in the cabins) and they will confiscate them.
- Binoculars – Depending on the type of cruise you are taking, binoculars may be a great idea! Our next cruise is to Alaska so we want a pair of binoculars to be on the lookout for wildlife, whether that’s bears along the coastline or whales out at sea.
For a quick review on all these items, watch my video on Youtube!

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